During the past decade, the underlying strength of the Indian economy and the growth potential of small and mid-sized businesses in India has generated significant interest among institutional investors. There is no shortage of entrepreneurial ambition and potential and there are numerous mid-sized businesses flourishing across the country meeting diverse consumer needs and demands.
India is a "young nation", with projected average median age of 37.3 years by 2050. It offers the promise of a strong consumer market combined with a large working population. Income levels are expected to triple by 2025.
Strong democratic roots, improved regulatory processes and procedures have created new avenues of growth opportunities and instilled confidence among entrepreneurs.
The Central Government initiated "Make in India" campaign has elevated India as a manufacturing destination on the world stage - India has become 6th largest manufacturing economy in the world. The focus is on driving economic growth and improve the quality of life of citizens by enabling industrial and urban infrastructure development. The thrust on industrial corridors present numerous advantages as investment destinations for driving investments across industrial, physical, urban and social infrastructure.
There is increasing interest amongst overseas investors, particularly. North American and European businesses to access investment / business opportunities in the Indian marketplace. The complexities of handling cross-border transactions demands intimate understanding of local laws and regulations to ensure that transaction structures are legally valid and consistent with local practice.
India is a competitive market with a well-established local private equity industry and strong networks. The stringent market entry requirements can be overcome through co-investments.
India has a relatively mature private equity industry. Most global private equity funds are present in India and many more are actively seeking to participate in the growth opportunity presented by the Indian marketplace. A major part of the growth and positive perception is the result of structural and fundamental policy reforms initiated by the government in the past few years.While Technology, Financial services and Healthcare sectors have attracted the bulk of the private equity investments in the country, Industrials and Business Services sectors have generated significant investment interest.
Additionally, as a complement to our investment banking activities, we also assist middle market companies in conducting business valuations and assist in due diligence projects. Our relationship based approach with our clients is designed to add value not just in transaction situations but in providing a strategic perspective to management in their existing businesses.
We provide the full life-cycle of private equity services - from deal strategy through execution. We help overseas domiciled funds understand the Indian market landscape, evaluate attractive business opportunities and present these opportunities in a comprehensive manner for an investment decision to be taken by the investor. We also provide commercial and operational diligence capabilities and can coordinate with financial, legal and tax service providers to provide a comprehensive diligence capability to the investors.
We have a strong network of relationships with key venture capital and private equity investors and businesses to understand/identify investment themes and priorities of the market participants to help conclude transactions in a focused and timely manner.
In short, Broad Peak Capital Advisors can connect you to the right resources in a timely manner and ensure the success of your investment.